This post is dedicated to my babies.. Bootsie and Cali. Yes, they're dogs. I consider them my children though and can't imagine life without them. I titled the post "my babies, my children" because last weekend when we took them for a walk downtown, I had 3 or 4 different people tell me how cute/beautiful/well behaved (little do they know!) my babies or children are. Part of me thought boo..I wish I had
real babies to show off! But then I got thinking and I LOVE being a momma to these dogs. We saved both of them from local pounds, which I am SO glad we did. Thinking about what could have happened to our dogs just breaks my heart. Ok, on to the dogs!
This is Bootsie. She'll be 3 in January, and we think she's a German Sheppard mix:

Some things I love about her:
1) She's a super picky eater, but loves loves loves sweets. If you give her a dog treat she'll most likely put it in her mouth, spit it out, play with it for 10 minutes, and then finally eat it when Cali starts closing in. Give her something sweet and she's ALL over it. Cookies, Cake, Pastries, and even ice cream. Confession: I once let her lick my ice cream cone. She loved it. It was super cute. Gross, but true.
2) She loves to have her "armpits" scratched. I know I know.. dogs don't have armpits. To me, the 2 legs in the front are their arms, not legs. So they're armpits in my mind & they're Bootsie's favorite spot for some scratchin!
3) She likes to curl up next to me at the edge of the bed. She's very particular though. She only likes my side of the bed, not Dan's. She also won't jump up next to me unless I pull back the comforter. She likes laying on the sheet like mom & dad! What can I say, she's a smart dog.
Now for Cali. She'll be 2 at the end of November, and with that spotted tongue we're pretty sure she has some Chow in her (ignore the knee and whatever is going on behind her on t.v.):

Some things I love about her:
1) She weighs 84lbs, but swears she's a lapdog. She loves cuddling, and loves to give lots & lots of slobbery dog kisses. I think she might be the sweetest dog I've ever met. And I promise I'm not saying that just because she's my dog. :)
2) She frolics. When Cali chases after a rabbit or a dog toy she doesn't run, she literally frolics in the air like a clumsy deer. It's ridiculous but adorable.
3) She likes to goose me when I get home from work. If I'm wearing a dress or skirt one of the first things she does when I get home is stick her head up my skirt, hitting my butt with her cold, wet nose.
Yes, maybe my dogs are a little strange. And yes, maybe I'm a little strange when it comes to my dogs too. But they're family & I love them. Here's one more pic of both of them together. Cali was not loving the antlers being on her head, & Bootsie is very happy they're not on her:

I love you my mutts!!! xoxo