* Seeing my sister get married, and spending a great weekend with her and the rest of my family in Portland, Oregon.
* Dan and I celebrating our 3 year anniversary in Palm Springs.
* Spending 4th of July at my in-laws house up in Northern California.. wine tasting in Sonoma, and kayaking down the Russian River were definite highlights from that trip.
* And then of course the little things.. drinking wine & catching up with best friends, taking our dogs for long walks, and enjoying another year in a house we love - within a city we love.
I guess I can't complain too much. I will say though that I have much higher hopes for big events to occur in 2010. I'm not making any official resolutions, but I'd like to work on some things I have control over. #1 being losing some weight by March, so we have a better chance at IUI working. #2 would be working on our finances.. reducing debt, increasing savings.
Now for some other things I look forward to in the upcoming year:
* Adoption Orientation in January
* IUI in Feb or March!
* FINALLY a raise in March.. and hopefully a promotion to go along with it
* My first Niece being born in March & a Nephew being born in April
* A weekend trip to Santa Cruz for my cousin's wedding (we're so going to the boardwalk and riding the merry-go-round)
* Last, but not least, turning 30 & hopefully taking a trip to an all inclusive resort in Mexico, to celebrate!
Happy New Year and Cheers to a healthy, happy, prosperous 2010!!!