For my 30th Birthday I always thought I'd be getting away for the weekend, going out & drinking like I'm 21 again. But I can honestly say I would soooo much rather be doing what I'm doing today .. going to get a pedi/mani after work, going out to dinner with Dan, and then chilling at home with Dan and the dogs. Sounds like a perfect Birthday.
My co-workers made me one of my favorite desserts - funfetti cupcakes! Come on, you know the stuff:
It's like I'm 30, going on 12. :)
Besides it being my Birthday there isn't much else going on right now. I've been getting some horrible sinus headaches, so if anyone has any remedies I'll take them! Work is still super busy, and I need to get my butt out there and do some Christmas shopping. We have two parties to go to tomorrow, my work party next Wednesday, Chargers game next Thursday, and then we're off to see my girlfriends and parents for the weekend.. and then it's Christmas! So much coming up.. so little time to shop.
Oh, and a confession.. we have yet to put up any Christmas decorations. GASP! This is unheard of for me. Usually by now the tree is up, the lights, the decorations.. the whole nine. We're just not going to be home much the rest of the month, and we're spending Christmas up at Dan's parent's place. Next year will be the babies first Christmas though.. spent at home. We'll definitely go all out to make it special. :)
Happy Friday everyone!