Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It must be Fall..

I'm lovin' the cooler weather & I'm ready to bake! #25 on my list is to bake cookies & make cocoa the next rainy night. Well, I jumped the gun a bit last night by baking sugar cookies. It ended up raining at 4:00 in the morning, so I guess that doesn't really count. I'm ready with instant cocoa packets and cookie ingredients though & ready to do a rain dance! I'm so over the heat and excited to get some cold weather & rain. yay!

Another nice thing about colder weather is that I'll get more book reading in. Today I finished my 2nd book on Oprah's list, What I Thought I Knew, by Alice Eve Cohen. It was good, but not my favorite. It's a memoir written by a woman who is told she's infertile, so she adopts. Then years later, when she's in her 40's, she finds out she's 6 months pregnant.. and she's not very happy about it. I guess if I had to rate it 1-10 (10 being the best), I'd give it a 6.

In other blog related news, I'm making some changes! I'm going to be changing this blog to a more general life blog, not just my list. My first non-list related blog to follow!


  1. lol cookies are for me haha lovely food

  2. # 14 on your list- Come watch the Derby Dolls this Saurday, 10/17- Del Mar Fairgrounds- then you can knock that one off the list :)


    Leia Assout
    San Diego Derby Dolls

  3. PS- if you email me by Friday, I have two tickets with your name on them. Derby Dolls love to help people make things happen :)


    Leia Assout

    email: chrissylaughlin@gmail.com
