Thursday, May 20, 2010

Burst my Bubble

So, I was all excited assuming that the IUI would be this Friday. Until yesterday. I went in for my regular u/s and then went back to talk about the u/s results with the RE (not my RE, the one I was seeing this week while my RE was out on vacation).

He looks everything over and then tells me I had some good follies on Monday that have now just dissapeared. I have one lonely follie measuring at about a 14, and some smaller ones that weren't worth talking about. My lining isn't what it should be at this point, and neither is my estrogen level. To quote him "it doesn't look to be a productive cycle". Queue teary eyes (me, not the RE).

We got two options:
1) Scrap this cycle completely. Stop the injections, get my period in a couple weeks and start all over.
2) Up my follistim dose from 75iu to 225iu for two nights and come back on Friday for another u/s & b/w, to see where we're at.

He offered me a 300iu follistim sample which would get us through this cycle, and that definitely helped with our decision to give it a chance. Of course there's still a chance the u/s and b/w will show that the higher dose of follistim didn't work, but we'll keep our fingers crossed and cross that bridge if we have to. The whole thing is frustrating and disheartening, but we just have to keep plugging away & focus on the end result.

On a much brighter note, yesterday Dan and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary! We went to a fancy dinner at Mr.A's in San Diego (a restaurant with INCREDIBLE views) and had a great time. A wedding related post (hopefully with a few pics) to follow. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about this cycle Lolo. Congrats on your 4 year anniversary!!!
