Wednesday, January 12, 2011

18 weeks!

I'll be considered 1/2 baked at 19 weeks, since the goal is to get me to 37-38 weeks. That's only a week away. Eeeeek! The babies are apparently each the size of a sweet potato. They're getting big! I can tell too by my ever expanding belleh. Check it out:

The belly has definitely gotten higher because I've had SUCH bad acid reflux the past few days. :( The only thing that seems to make it better is a milkshake or bowl of icecream. Darn. ;)

I never understood why pregnant women would go around touching their bellies.. but now that I have one, I can't stop touching it! I think because it's so foreign to me still, and it still amazes me that I have two babies growing inside of me. I have a feeling that won't sink in until they become outside babies.. Then I'll go holy crap, those were both inside of me???? haha.

Now for the infamous quiz!

How far along: 18 weeks!

Size of baby: I'm packin' two little sweet potato's

Total weight gain/loss: I've gained about 2 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Yep.. almost all bottoms are maternity, tops & dresses are a mix of maternity & non-maternity

Gender: We'll find out Friday!!

Movement: I think I'm feeling them now. I've been feeling little twinges and since the doc felt Baby B kick the doppler at our last appointment, I'm assuming I'm feeling their kicks and punches. I can't wait until it's unmistakable! :)

Sleep: eh.. It's o.k. I've been flip flopping a lot, but I'm still sleeping most of the night.

What I miss: Not having horrid acid reflux.

Cravings: Nothing really.. well, I guess milkshakes since they help with the reflux. I'm still loving fruit though, and pickles.

Symptoms: Just the acid reflux.

Milestone: It hasn't happened yet, but the anatomy scan this Friday will be a huge milestone. I'm hoping I can leave that appointment completely relieved to know they're both healthy.

Best Moment this Week: I bought my first diaper bag! It's a Skip Hop that I scored on Amazon for $65. Do you like?


  1. You look so beautiful! love the belly :)

    I've had KILLER heart burn since about 13 weeks, I've been popping tums like mints. I finally complained to my DR. about it at my check up 2 weeks ok and she ok'd me to take over the counter heart burn medicine. I've been taking prilosec once every 24 hours for a week and it's been a God send! seriously! I would check with your Dr. and see what he'll let you take.

  2. thanks, Jenny! I'll definitely have to ask my doc about prilosec when I see her again..that has to be a better alternative then drinking a milkshake every day! haha.

  3. LOVE the diaper bag! I have the same one :)

    I cannot wait to hear what your little sweet potatoes are packing.

  4. I'm glad to read someone else has the same feelings as me! I have only a singleton but I'm at the same milestones. I am currently 19 weeks and 1 day, and our anatomy scan is tomorrow!! ;) Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy!!

  5. Lauren, you look so cute!!! :D I seriously cannot wait until Friday! I love the diaper bag, too! Are you going to use it as a purse, too?

  6. Love the bag and can not wait till Friday!!
