Friday, May 27, 2011

Full term!!

Wow. 37 weeks. I still can't believe that when I was laying in the hospital I thought we might have March babies. Now, there's a good chance we'll be having June babies. Unreal. I'm officially full term and I'm SO ready now for Emma & Harlow to make their appearance.

My next OB appointment is on Tuesday, so if I don't go into labor on my own by then we'll be scheduling an induction.. most likely for the upcoming weekend (June 4th or 5th). As of this past Monday I'm 2cm dilated, so I'm making some sort of progress. Fingers crossed that means I'll go on my own!

Either way, I'm still not sure it has sunk in that I'll be holding my sweet baby girls within the next week or so. I picture that moment in my mind, and I know it will probably end up being a million times better than whatever I'm imagining. Just the thought of Dan looking in his baby girls' eyes makes my own eyes well up with tears, so I can guarantee you it will be a suuuper emotional day for me. :)

In the meantime I'm trying to enjoy my last days (hours?) being pregnant. There's a very good chance this is the last time I'll be pregnant, so I'm trying to soak it all up while I can. Feeling my little girls kicking and sticking their little bums in the air.. getting that little extra pampering from Dan.. those are definitely the perks. I can write a longer list of things to complain about, but I won't. Because when it comes down to it I wouldn't take back or trade any of this experience. And I'm trying to focus on the positives, people!

I'll leave you with what's hopefully my last belly pic. Please ignore the wet hair, no makeup, pajama look. :) My belly is now measuring 44 weeks. Yowzers.


  1. I can't believe you're about to have the girls any day now!! So excited for you! And you look beautiful - enjoy all of it.
