My little peanut. I feel like your little personality has been forming since we first saw you flip flopping during one of our early ultrasounds. Eventually your little (big) sister took up all the room in my belly, but I knew once you were born you'd go back to being a little wiggle worm. I was right! You're not that into being cuddled, and your favorite spot of the house is the changing table of the pack & play. When I lay you in it you start wiggling around, and I can usually get some coos & smiles from you while I'm changing your diaper. I joke with Daddy that he needs to build a higher barrier around the changing table so I can leave you there!
You've been wide eyed & alert since the day you were born. One of my favorite moments after you & Harlow were born was of someone in the room putting the two of you next to each other and you were looking over at your sister. When I held you for the first time you slept with one eye slightly open, and you've been doing that ever since. You fight sleep a lot.. closing your eyes until they're almost all the way shut and then BAM! you're wide eyed, looking around the room again. I think you just don't want to miss a thing.. maybe you'll be the life of the party some day.
You're making the cutest coos lately. You love looking up and "talking" to the spinning bears above you in your pack & play. Sometimes you'll even start to cry when the bears stop spinning! You & I "talk" a lot.. you coo, I coo or talk back, you smile. One of the highlights to my day.
You have beautiful blue eyes.. and I'm almost certain they'll stay blue. Your hair is darker than your sister's, and you have more of it, but you have the blondest eyebrows. I have a feeling you'll turn into a toe head like your Mommy in a few years. You're just above 9lbs, but you're a good eater and I have a feeling you'll eventually catch up to your sister. You have the cutest chubby cheeks, button nose, and a teeny tiny mouth.
Happy 2 months, Emma Dylan!
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