Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookies & Cocoa

So, yesterday it POURED, and the wind was insane. It was a legitimate storm by Southern California standards. Yes, we're huge babies when it comes to the weather, and people drive like idiots even when it's sprinkling out. I was actually THRILLED though. Why, you ask? Well, it's not very often we get stormy weather & I was looking forward to starting up a fire, eating some homemade chicken soup, baking cookies, and drinking cocoa. Also, on my list of to-do's I have on there that I'll bake cookies and make cocoa the next rainy night. So, here was my chance!!

Dan started a nice fire, and made us some delicious chicken soup. I prepared my batter for the snickerdoodles and placed it in the fridge to chill for about an hour. Then, literally when I'm about to take the batter out of the fridge and start baking, what happens..

..the power goes out!

OMG. So, the candles and flashlights come out, and I come to the realization - I will not get my snickerdoodles and cocoa tonight. BOO. I sulked until we went to bed and the power was still out. It went back on some time throughout the night while we were sleeping, so tonight we will have snickerdoodles and cocoa - even though it's not raining anymore! Here's what I'll be indulging in tonight:

You see why I was so upset now? Mmmmmmm...

1 comment:

  1. YUM! I bought some hot cocoa and marshmallows last night, and I've got some sugar cookie dough in the fridge! If David's friend leaves early enough tonight, maybe I'll be snuggling in front of the fire with these sweet treats, too! :)

    And I've never seen that ground chocolate cocoa before!! Drool!
