Thursday, December 3, 2009

Goodbye Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas!!!

Happy REALLY late Thanksgiving to everyone!! I, unfortunately, ended up sick last week right before the Holiday. I took a couple days off of work to rest, and was starting to feel normal again on Thanksgiving. It was our first Holiday spent just the two of us - and the dogs of course. It was relaxing, and nice to not have to entertain since I wasn't feeling well, but I missed having family over. We cooked the traditional dinner & I baked a pumpkin cheesecake (recipe to follow). We played dominoes and lounged around watching Football. It was great! :)

I was tempted to indulge in some Black Friday shopping, but decided I would have a nervous melt down if I tried. Plus nothing really stood out to me in the ads. And of course I like my sleep.

I had my first FAIL on my big list. I forgot to buy myself some flowers, and December was here before I knew it! Seriously, where did November go? Where did 2009 go? I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Nuts. Anywho, I have some things to look forward to this month..
* I turn 29 next week (not sure if that's something I'm looking forward to, but at least it's an excuse to get spoiled for a day)
* I'm helping put together our department Holiday party next week that should be a fun time with my co-workers
* A few of my bestest girlfriends are visiting me in a few weeks for my birthday & we're having a girls night out
* I'm going to see The Grinch Who Stole Christmas play on Christmas Eve!
* Both sets of our parents, plus my Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law & adorable Nephew, will all be at our house Christmas day.

Last, but not least, I think I ovulated today and this is our last shot on clomid. If it doesn't work this month we're moving on to IUI. I'm trying not to think about the disappointment I'll feel on Christmas day not having a baby, and not even being pregnant. If I let myself think about it too much, I know I'll break down. So, I'm trying to look on the bright side.. there will be lots of wine consumed, lots of eggnog lattes, and the thermometer will be thrown out the window for the rest of 2009. Last, but not least..

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas this year is to see TWO lines on my HPT, not one. I've been a good girl this year, and I won't ask for anything else ever again. OK, maybe I'll ask for another babe in a couple years.. but until then, nothing - I promise!


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