Friday, April 23, 2010

The Miracle of Engineering Tucked Away in His Pants

I'm talkin' sperm people. Dan & I watched Sizing Up Sperm, on National Geographic yesterday, and that was how they started off describing sperm..a miracle of engineering tucked away in his pants. The show illustrates the journey sperm go through to reach the egg, and while it's not meant to be funny, it was freakin' hilarious.

First off, they use real people (dressed in all white, of course) to act as real-life sperm. Kind of funny. Kind of creepy. To show you the hilarity, I have to share a picture. In real life sperm reach the cervix via the woman's cervical mucus. Here's how the show illustrated that:

Yep. That's "sperm" climbing giant ladders that take them from the cervix to the uterus. Hilarious.

But honestly the silliness of real-life actors pretending to be sperm did serve it's purpose. We knew the sperm's journey was rough, but MAN is it rough. Usually only a few lucky thousand reach the uterus, and guess how many we had inserted directly into my ute at yesterday's IUI...

82 MILLION sperm

Dan was thrilled (of course) and so was the doc. He told Dan "you did a good job!" so Dan was beaming, and of course I was pleased too. Dan's sperm didn't have to go through the "treacherous journey" that we watched on the show though. They got a one way ticket to ute-ville. Woot!

As for the actual IUI, it went well. It was more painful than I expected because my doc said it was difficult to find my uterus from my cervix. Him & the nurse even made a comment that it normally isn't that difficult. So now Dan is convinced that's been our issue all along and this is FOR SURE going to work. I hope he's right.

So, other than cramping during the actual IUI and some light cramps & spotting when I got home, everything went well.

And now we wait.. May 6th can't get here fast enough!


  1. We saw that too but it was called "The Great Sperm Race". Prayers that this is IT for you!

  2. Awesome numbers LOLO! Woo-hoo! Good luck!

  3. This post just cracked me up. I adore Dr. Evil:)

    I realllly hope that Dan is right and this was what the issue was. It makes sense, right?! I agree, May 6th can't get here fast enough!!
