April 24th-May 1st marks National Infertility Awareness Week. Someone on the bump posted these links & I though I'd share:
Infertility Etiquette
Infertility Myths
I'm open when it comes to talking about our struggles with friends and family because it is a reality that there are a lot more people out there struggling with infertility. I'm lucky to get a lot of support and encouragement from my family & friends, but the #1 suggestion I get is to "just relax". I would bet that's hands down the most common suggestion couples struggling with infertility hear.
I've heard countless stories from friends about their friend's sister's bff who took a vacation and whad'ya know, they're KU! Or their friends who gave up on trying to conceive, adopted, and POOF! Like magic, they're KU!
I get it. They're trying to offer up some advice, but I would bet that for every one of those success stories there's probably at least 20 couples who took a baby makin' vacay or adopted, and well.. still aren't pregnant.
My other faves are "just stop thinking about it and it will happen", and "it will happen when it's meant to happen". HA. In my heart I know it was "meant to happen" a looong time ago. Nobody is "meant" to go through this kind of suffering and pain that I've endured.
So, this week I hope the awareness spreads. Infertility is not something to be ashamed of.
You are awesome for posting this. xoxo
ReplyDeleteIf all it took were vacation sex, I would have been pregnant a looooooong time ago! Thanks for posting this and getting the word out. Fingers crossed for you, babe!