Thursday, June 24, 2010


So, according to my RE I'm married to him:

The IUI was this morning and it went GREAT! We were a little worried about Dan's count since the last IUI was only 9 million. Well... today's post wash count was 50 million mobile sperm! Woot! Dan was pleased & of course after the RE called him Superman, he was gloating all day. I reminded him that it's not how many there are that counts, it's whether they do their job or not. hehe. I'm so mean, huh?

The other great thing about this IUI was that it was totally quick & painless. The whole thing probably took 5 minutes, followed by the usual 15 minutes of laying on the table. Dan & I joked that the RE has a GPS now for my cervix. haha.

Aaaand now the wait begins. UGH. I hate the waiting game. July 8th could not get here soon enough. We leave for our week long vacation to Santa Cruz on the 10th so for the next 2 weeks I'm going to try to keep busy with vacay planning. I have packing lists to start & some last minute shopping to do.. mainly a bathing suit. EEK.


  1. HAHA Love that your Husband gloated all day! Hilarious!! I am so glad this IUI when well and I'm praying like crazy that this is it for you!! (hugs)

  2. Go Dan's sperm!!! Impregnate the hell out of lolo!!!!

  3. Yay!!!
    I say the same thing to my dh - he's superman but the boys don't know what to do!
    Good luck! And have fun planning the trip!
