Friday, March 4, 2011

The slacker is back

It's been a couple of weeks since I updated. Oops!

I'll start by saying after my last post about positive thinking, I did something really stupid. I used good ol' doctor google. I know, I know.. dumb dumb dumb. I wanted to see what I could find out there about the missing nasal bone and down syndrome. Let's just say what I found was NOT reassuring, my positive outlook was clouded and I had a major meltdown.

I feel better now though. I've just come to terms with the fact that we won't know either way prior to the babies being born, and no matter what happens we'll love her like nothing else. And then we'll deal. It's not a death sentence. We'll still be forever grateful to have two baby girls.

In other news, I passed my 1 hour glucose test. WOOT! I'm becoming anemic, which apparently is normal, especially for a twin pregnancy. I started taking an iron supplement, and they'll just keep an eye on it.

I'm currently still on modified bedrest, but I have another cervix check today. Fingers crossed that everything looks good!

Progress on the nursery has been made.. the sheets and crib skirts are on, the dresser is bought, and a few things for the walls have been ordered. I'm going to take progress pics of the nursery this weekend so I can share next week. Promise!

OH, and I hit a big milestone last week.. V-Day! Hopefully these girls won't show their pretty faces for a couple more months, but at least we know they'd have a shot at life if they came now. That makes me breathe a little easier.

I'll leave you with a 25 week belly pic. This is what you get when I'm on bedrest and working from home :)


  1. Yay for the progress on the nursery. I finished mine! Best of luck with the cervical check and I am praying for your LO!!!

  2. You look adorable!! Can't wait to see nursery pics. Thinking of you and your LO's.
