that's what Dan said after I left a voicemail for my RE this morning. I tested negative again this morning so I called to find out how long my RE would like to wait until I can get some provera.
aaaaah..We had a nice little break from doctor visits, blood work, ultrasounds, injections, inseminations, and shelling out lots of money for everything. Would I have preferred the outcome of that break to be a surprise BFP? Of course! But now I'm just ready to start fresh with a new cycle. And to get our final IUI over & done with.
I also just realized.. my IVF consultation is only 2 weeks away!! Whoa. I have a feeling I'll be waking up that morning feeling like it's the 1st day of school. Nervous, but excited.. and not quite sure what to expect.
In the meantime I'm going to keep enjoying my "summer break" until this never ending cycle comes to an end..
Hugs my dear. I'm so sorry you didn't get your surprise. But I do have high hopes for this last IUI! It's going to be great!