Monday, August 9, 2010


Hm... So, I'm on cycle day 31 right now. I've had some off & on cramps the past couple days but no spotting yet. Normally I would be expecting my period today (or the last couple days), but I have NO CLUE when I ovulated. Like, I couldn't even give an estimate. Argh.

So, I wait. And think. And over think.

Since last week I've had the same sort of waves of nausea that I had when I got my BFP last month, and I woke up both days this weekend feeling hungover, even though I hadn't been drinking the night before. So of course I'm getting my hopes up. I know I shouldn't. I need to write these off as phantom symptoms and call it a day.

What are the odds that I get a BFP two months in a row after almost 2 years of nothing? Slim to none, right?

And while I'm talking odds, guess what I did over the weekend? I went to the horse races in Del Mar! Guess what horse I didn't bet on to win?.. Dancing Lauren!!! Guess what horse won that race? ... Dancing Lauren!!! (Just in case you only know me as "lolo" my real name is Lauren).

And yes, I'm an idiot.


  1. Stranger things have happened my love. I definitely wouldn't be surprised that is for sure. XOXO

  2. I said hold onto the hope as long as possible!! Anything is possible :)

  3. LOL! I can't believe you didn't bet on the horse named Lauren. ;)
