Friday, January 15, 2010

One Day

I found this poem and I'm not gonna lie.. it made me cry. Cycle 16 officially began today so I'll be picking up my meds and needles and I believe the fun will start next week. This poem pretty much sums up exactly how I feel today. I'm sad, but I'm hopeful and excited for this next step in my journey. I WILL get my baby..

One Day
One Day I will no longer look forward to treatments
I won’t have to inject myself
Our sex life will be just that…Ours
Making love will be simply making love
Infertility won’t haunt my daily thoughts
My hopes won’t be crushed after every cycle
I won’t cry inside when I hear a friend is pregnant…
Or when my period comes, inevitably, every month
I won’t constantly hunt for information
Or try to decipher the “signals” that my body is sending me
Or wonder if something I eat, drink, do, see, think could prevent pregnancy

And…One Day I will be the one with two lines
Scared every day to lose a life inside of me
Experiencing morning sickness
Swollen, painful breasts
Swollen ankles
And the joy of becoming rounder everyday
I will discuss pregnancy and motherhood with other women as an equal
I will hear a heart beating inside me that is not my own
I will see a tiny “bean” grow into a Baby on ultrasound
I will buy tiny clothes, cribs, strollers, carseats
I will prepare a nursery fit for royalty

One Day I will feel contractions grip my body
And feel the anticipation of meeting my Little One
And rush to the hospital
My husband will be nervous
And we will get through this, too…together
And we will meet Our Baby…our precious, beautiful Baby, that WE created
We will count ten fingers and toes
We will wonder who he/she looks like
We will finally announce the arrival of Our Baby to our families
And we will take Our Baby home
To the nursery fit for royalty
And count our blessings
And cuddle our Little One endlessly
And know how truly, truly blessed we are

I believe that one day we will have all this, and more.


  1. ((HUGS)) Thank you for posting this. I can relate to nearly every line and would like to copy this to my own blog so I can read it over and over again :)
    Keep believing, one day we will have this!! :)

  2. Oh lolo, #1: I just love you.
    #2: Your baby will be perfect and you will be an amazing mother. Hell, you already are.
    You will have all of that. AND MORE :)
