Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Guess what just might be worse than the injections.. the progesterone suppositories. Hooray for shoving capsules up my va-jay-jay twice a day!!!

I don't mind the actual insertion of them, it's the aftermath. At work nonetheless. I felt a bit leaky, and then I coughed. I know now what it feels like to be a pregnant woman who pees in her pants a little when she coughs or laughs. Except mine wasn't pee, it was the dissolving suppository. Fun!

First thing I did on my way home from work today - bought panty liners! Woot!

Oh, and just because this post is missing a nice visual:


  1. Bwhahahahaha at the visual. Sorry you're leaky love.

  2. Yeah, thanks for the visual. Sorry you have to endure this, but just think: this could the beginning of a sticky baby for you!
