Monday, October 11, 2010

So much stupid

Ok, so we all know there are a lot of really ignorant people out there. I don't think I've ever really noticed it so much until struggling with infertility. The things people say regarding fertility treatments are INSANE.

I remember a girl telling me and some other "infertiles" that we were selfish for doing fertility treatments. That it's against God's wishes, and we should just adopt. The first thing I thought was, WOW... you're so uneducated & you obviously have no idea what you're talking about or you wouldn't run your mouth telling other people how to handle infertility.

But then I got angry. How dare someone judge someone else for doing whatever they have to do to have a biological child. And I'm sorry, but if you believe in God, didn't that same God create the scientists who created the medicine to treat infertility?

And in the end, I just feel sadness. Sad that there are parents out there who raise children to think that they have the right to pass judgement on other people's decisions, based off their own religious beliefs.

If you've watched the show, Giuliana & Bill, you know they've been struggling with getting pregnant. They did an interview for a magazine recently, where they said they did IVF, got pregnant, but unfortunately had lost the baby. Scrolling through the comments people left online, I stumbled across this doozy..

First Of all Doing IVF Is going against god's will.......Ivf is all manmade, and it is artificial insemination...... can u imagine hw god feels if u tried to do something other than only which he has control over....... it goes to show.......u people dun even trust god in conceiving kids naturally n takes time......nature takes time.....u gotta haf faith in god.....if not if you dun.....u'll never succeed......watever u're doing is a sin.....n that's why you had the miscarriage......because u didn't let god take care of u.......u simply didn't trust god n by destroying ur body by having a boob job too is just pure sin.....u're jus telling god u're not happy with urself n in return he isn't happy with u........yes he created us humans but u gotta respect n honor him first!!!!!! Appreciate what he gave u.....dun destroy another life again PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

::Sigh:: Yep, there are people THAT stupid out there. It's terribly sad, no? Isn't religion supposed to teach people about accepting people for who they are, sympathizing with people who are struggling, and not judging others?

I guess there's no real purpose to this post. I just had to get that off my chest. Even if I may have won the battle, infertility has taught me a lot about myself, and unfortunately it's exposed me to all the stupid that exists in our world today.

I, for one, will teach my children about empathy & acceptance. And when I look into my child's eyes it will solidify the fact that there is no wrong way to conceive a child.


  1. Are you kidding me? The person is dummer than bricks. If they knew ANYTHING about religion, they would know that God has control of EVERYTHING regardless if it was IVF or natural conception. What a tool.

    I agree with you, God made the science possible to do infertility treatments. I do not think it's against God's will.

    ((Big Hugs))

  2. Opinions are like assholes and unfortunately people think that everyone is just standing in line waiting for their opinions to be shared. It is absolute disgusting that someone said that she deserved the m/c because of the way she conceived. And the irony of it, I'm sure that person won't have any issues, because lets face it, life is just not fair nor makes sense.

  3. WOW! I just have no words about that comment. Some people are just stupid beyond belief.

  4. I so agree- people are stupid. And I believe that modern medicine *is* a gift from God. But I digress.

    My smartass response to mystery poster: God wants you to learn how to spell and use proper punctuation. Don't destroy another sentence again, PLEASE!

  5. I cannot believe how stupid that person is. Wow. You know what really bugs me? Is how many people say things like that...until they are faced with IF. People are so effing selfish!

  6. I couldn't agree more with this post. You said it a lot better than I could and without F-bombs and C word rants at some of those people's comments.

    People who justify their ignorance and hatred behind religion disgust me.

    Loves to you gorgeous.

  7. Maybe someone should remind that idiot (and I'm with Wordsy in that her spelling and such are an absolute sin) that Jesus himself was conceived outside the "norm"!! Love you Lo :)

  8. I also find it pretty hilarious that this d-bag can spell insemination, conceiving, and miscarriage.. but apparently can't spell you, you're, and, & don't.
    And you're probably right, Lyse, this person probably won't have any troubles having children.. who knows, they might have 5 of them at home. And the sad thing is they're going to pass on the same ignorance to those children. Sad.

  9. Reading that made me so angry I could cry.

    What a damn fool.

  10. I couldnt agree more...It doesnt make sense when some of the most religious people pass the most judgement.

  11. waaaaah! Why did your blog eat my response? :(
