Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for...

We're having twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ultrasound tech was looking around, but not saying anything.. so of course my mind is going wild with thoughts of no baby found. And then she says "there's two babies" (calm as can be). She turned the screen towards me and there they were!

I looked over at Dan and the look on his face was absolutely priceless. A combination of shock & pure joy. I'm sure I had the same look on my face. :)

You could have fooled me that there's actually two babies in those sacs, because for the life of me, I can't see them. But they got the heartbeat for each baby.. 118 & 122. And we could see the tiniest of flickers.

We met with my doctor afterwards and he said everything looks great. He also said it's too soon to determine whether they're fraternal or identical. Given the fact that we had multiple eggs when we did the IUI, I'm going with fraternal. I'm also not going to lie.. when I think about identical twins this is all I see..

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Of course if I have identical twins I'll love them like crazy. You have to admit though, they're SO creepy, right?

My next u/s is in three weeks. Until then I'm going to sit back and attempt to let this all soak in...


  1. OMG L!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! So freaking exciting! Twins? What an incredible blessing! I laughed and cringed at that Shining picture all at the same time. The movie gave me nightmares for years as a kid lol. I am so happy for you love!

  2. It seems to be twins week...I am so excited for you!! If you want a pic of beautiful idential twins to change up your mental image I can gladly share my gorgeous neices with you!!

  3. Hahaha! That picture made me crack up!! David's with you on that, too, by the way.

    Don't worry, if you have identical girl twins, they'll be way too cute to be creepy! :)

  4. Hey lady! It's Bella from the bump! Shoot me your email address! I would love to catch up! I am sooo excited for you!
