Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm feeling thankful for..

Having 50 followers of my blog! I know there aren't actually 50 people out there reading what I have to write every single day, but I feel loved anyways. I hope those of you who read my blog enjoy it, at least a little bit? :) It's been a fantastic outlet for me since we've been struggling with getting pregnant. It's like my own personal journal, that I just happen to share with 50 people! hehe. So, thank you readers! I'm feeling very thankful today for you.

Also, on a side note.. I'm an avid blog reader. First thing I do when I get in to work is grab my coffee or tea and read the blogs I follow (shhhh..don't tell my boss). There's a good chance if you're following my blog, I'm already following yours, but if you're not sure leave me your blog link! I'd love to follow you, too. :)

I'm also thankful for the party I get to attend tonight! Dan works for a big company, and today is their 25th anniversary celebration. So, they're throwing a huge party with free food and I'm sure all sorts of fun stuff. There's a concert, but they're keeping who's performing a big secret. Rumor is it's Dave Matthews Band. I've seen them before, but I'm a fan and you can't beat a free concert, right?! I keep joking with Dan that it's actually going to be someone like Earth, Wind & Fire. hehe. I guess we'll find out tonight!


  1. That sounds like fun! Make sure to update us on who it is!!

  2. You can follow me!

    Thanks! I hope it was DMB tonight- I'll be jealous!

  3. I'm at I absolutely love reading your blog!!

  4. Hi Lolo! Love your blog! Here's mine:

  5. I'm officially a follower, Katie! Heather.. I already read & love your blog :)

    Me.. your blog looks fun! I can't find an option to follow :( I'll figure it out though. :)
